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Writer's picturejennyaylett

Happy things: autumn, Podcast/blog and more!

Hello, welcome to today's blog where I will discuss happy things that are currently going on in my life. Thanks for deciding to read this blog, one of the things making me super positive at the moment is the amount of views and analytics from my blogs and Podcasts. I check most days to see if there's any feedback (I haven't had any comments yet though) or views and I love seeing if people have decided to click on my content and I am very pleased with the growth as I was not really expecting many views at all! I am super grateful if you decided to click on my blogs, Podcasts or even my Instagram. Make sure to leave a comment as I will respond!! Also, I would love recommendations of what topics I should cover in my upcoming blogs and Podcasts, so if you have any specific requests let me know.

So let's begin! My favourite season is autumn and I am super excited that it is so nearly here!! Hooray! I have been doing a lot of autumnal activities recently, I have been going on evening walks and particularly noticing the change in weather, it's getting much colder. I have also been blackberry picking on my walks and as well as this, watching Netflix and YouTube whilst enjoying tea and being wrapped up cozily on the sofa (sometimes in bed.) I have also been going to a lot of woods and seeing the trees change colours as this gets me super excited for the approach of autumn.

Other things I am super happy about are finishing my new book Ikigai, which was amazing I would definitely recommend it as it was a super inspiring and uplifting read. Also, Eastenders is returning this evening!!!!! If you didn't know I love Eastenders, it was definitely one of my fave programmes, so I am glad I get to watch it again tonight.

The main purpose of this blog was to show you things I love and am feeling happy about and also to give you something positive to read. I hope this has been an enjoyable (but short) read. Have a great evening and make sure to do incorporate a positive event in your day.

The Chic Geek

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