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Writer's picturejennyaylett

How to stay organised.

Hey, welcome to my latest blog post. Thank you for deciding to check out this blog based around staying organised. Have you read my blog on how to bullet journal and listened to my Podcast on how to be productive? If not make sure to check them out!! I am also uploading a new Podcast today called a bit about me. So if you want to find out why I have started blogging and making Podcasts then make sure to check it out! Also, remember to have a look at my Instagram to see some aesthetic and motivational posts.

Anyway, back to the topic of today's blog- staying organised. I am going to be giving you my advice and tips based on my experience of being an organised person. So, let's begin!!

To make sure I am organised I have a positive mindset towards each task I am trying to accomplish. I try and look at a task with an optimistic attitude so that I feel more inclined to complete that task to the best of my abilities. For example, if you have a challenging task due, it may seem daunting to complete. However, having a positive attitude towards the task and breaking it down into smaller chunks can make it seem less overwhelming. It will also show your teacher and peers you are willing to persevere when things get challenging and that you will still try your hardest and make the effort to complete the task.

Tip no. 2, I mentioned this briefly above but I find breaking my tasks/goals down into smaller and more realistic components can make them easier to complete. I find that by completing the task in small sections to create the bigger picture helps me feel less overwhelmed. This is because I can dedicate my time specifically to one piece of the work and then add all the different parts together.

Tip no. 3, DON'T procrastinate!! If you are eager to complete an outstanding task or goal just do it. Try not to waste your time overthinking and instead just get going and complete the task. If you are finding it hard to get started then don't panic, just go with the flow and I am sure you'll find the motivation (blog about procrastinating will be coming soon-so if you need advice look out for that).

Tip no. 4, prepare and plan. Focus on planning out how you are going to accomplish your goal or complete your task. You could write out this plan with methodical steps, make a to-do list, bullet point a sequence of events, spider diagram or you could make a mind map. There are multiple different things you could do and after making your plan you will have a clearer view of how you're going to complete the task.

Final point, try not to cram. I personally find that if I time-block my events and due dates in a planner or calendar then I can see a clear overview and layout of my tasks. This also helps me to see how long each task will take, meaning I won't need to cram everything in because I can work out how to productively use my time to ensure I complete all the tasks due.

Thank you so much for reading this blog. I hope that my 5 tips helped you and that you will follow these steps to help you stay organised. Have a great rest of your day and make sure to look out for more blogs. I will create an uploading schedule for my blogs and Podcasts soon, so also look out for that so you will always be aware of when my content is available.

The Chic Geek

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